Breathwork defies description; it must be experienced.
What is “Breathwork”?
“Breathwork” is an umbrella term for various types of conscious and controlled breathing practices.
Unlike most pranayama practices, connected breathing is done by breathing in and out of the MOUTH, not the nose.
The first breath goes into the belly. The second breath in your chest. Then you let it go, like a feather. Think of it like making a circle with your breath. Just keep breathing.
All Breathwork is a modern form of pranayama; the practice of breath regulation. In pranayama, the breath is used as a tool to calm the mind and body by regulating the nervous system.
The breath pattern that is practiced in my sessions is called “continuous conscious breathing”, circular breath or connected breathing. Unlike most pranayama practices, connected breathing is done by breathing in and out of the MOUTH, not the nose. The first breath goes into the belly. The second breath in your chest. Then you let it go without pushing the air out. When you exhale, there is no stoppage. Instead, you breathe in a continuous and connected manner, forming a circle with your breath. Just continue to breathe.
Circular Breathwork is a potent and deep practice, but it may be difficult at first. In order to have a meaningful experience during a session, even if it's a short one, you might need to push through some initial obstacles or hesitations.
Conscious breathing can boost your overall health by regulating your nervous system. It's a powerful tool to release tension from your body. This type of transformative breathing requires effort, but the results are immediate and can be long-lasting!
What might you go through?
Quiet your inner critic, calm the monkey mind, balance your mood, and promote a deep sense of inner peace.
Help you trust in your body and trust in your breath
Circular Breathwork can also increase the levels of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which can help to reduce pain and promote well-being.
Create altered states and intense emotional release
A feeling of love and gratitude.
A better relationship with yourself (self-love)
Lightness & relaxation (parasympathetic nervous system) after the active breathing part is over.

What to Expect?
Breath is IN and OUT of Mouth.
The first breath goes into the belly. The second breath in your chest. Then you let it go without pushing the air out.
It is performed lying down on your back in a comfortable position.
You will likely feel lots of sensations in your body, which may feel like a lot the first time you do it …like; tingling, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, lobster claw hands, (otherwise known as tetany) changes in body temperature, cramping muscles, headaches; this is all normal and harmless.
The breath is simple; mouth open, two breaths in, one breath out.
Give yourself permission to let it out and have a big cry or yell. We all have stuck stuff in our bodies. It is safe to feel and express. Sound it out, express from your guts!
The unknown is hard, change can also feel hard. It makes sense that your protective parts may resist anything new.
Your brain’s job is to protect you. It may not want you to do this work. It may feel uncomfortable at first. When you notice critical thoughts coming in, just know that it’s your mind resisting transformation. You may find, in the beginning, the hardest part of Breathwork is NOT listening to your critical mind. It is important to just keep going, let the breath do the work for you.
Here’s the best thing about it: you’re IN CONTROL.
If you feel that it’s too intense for you, you can ALWAYS tone it down a notch, breathe through your nose and resume the technique when you’re comfortable.
Breathwork can quiet your inner critic, calm the monkey mind, balance your mood, and promote a deep sense of inner peace.
Circular breathwork can also increase the levels of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which can help to reduce pain and promote well-being.
Altered states and intense emotional release
A feeling of love and gratitude.
A better relationship with yourself (self-love)
Lightness & relaxation (parasympathetic nervous system) after the active breathing part is over.
Breathwork can result in intense physical and emotional release. Therefore, it is not advised for persons with a history of cardiovascular disease, including angina, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, significant recent physical injuries or surgery.
Like most types of therapy, Breathwork isn’t appropriate for everyone. It’s recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider (including any mental health provider), and also let me, your teacher, know about any health concerns before participating in a Breathwork session.
Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness
* particularly psychosis or paranoia
* Bipolar depression
* An active addiction
* Any person with mental illness who isn’t in treatment or lacks adequate support
Seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms.
Pregnant women are advised against practicing.
Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler.
Comfy clothes (layers)
yoga mat
eye mask
water bottle
lip balm
earphones (online only)
Structure of 90 min Session:
Explanation of what to expect, demo of the breath technique, Curated music playlist, Active Breathing (approximately 40-50 mins), let out a big scream or two, a gratitude - heart opening practice and integration time.
“ Honestly felt like I shed a thousand layers I couldn’t do in 10 therapy sessions!”
Catriona C
“Jolene....a note of deep thanks. You helped me release burdens I’ve been carrying for more than a decade. It was a truly transformational experience that helped me process the past and take a new perspective with me into my future. It was a gift! You are a gift! So grateful.” —
Hey there Jolene , Just wanted to send along a little note to you following last nights session. What an epiphany!!! I am completely elated by what I saw. I feel so full. So beautiful! I thank you, thank you, thank you ( just repeat to infinity ) bc those words do not capture the amount of gratitude I have for you. Eternally grateful,
Heather M
I’m grateful for special souls like yours that make me feel welcome and comfortable to work within those emotional spaces. The only reason I attended last night was because it was YOU hosting it. You just have this way about you where I inherently trust. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m sure that I’ll be sharing happy stories, instead of painful ones.
Tara B
“The breaths you’re taking right now are connected to your nervous system, your immune health, and your ability to live life to the fullest. They are the gatekeeper to your mental and emotional states, the release valve for your traumatic experiences, and your portal to a higher state of being.
Continuous Conscious Breath can widen your window of tolerance, downshifting from states of hyper- arousal so you feel more centred, grounded and empowered.”
-B Dansby